January 2013: Month in Review

Half marathons run: 0
Races in general run:0
So sad. I miss racing. People residing in a warm state and running races are making me jealous. Somebody hand me a medal.

Miles run this month: 114
I have been uping my mileage each week.
Week one: 22 miles
Week two: 25 miles
Week three: 27 miles
Week four: 30 miles

So far so good with marathon training but it is only just beginning.

I have done pretty good with yoga and strength training but I could do better. So this month I am going to focus on making sure I fit it in. I also want to up the speed a bit. Push it a little more. I spend a lot of time on the treadmill might as well put it to good use and use it as a tool to help bring on the speed a bit more.

Other fun January stuff:

Fun in the city with family

These came
and then these. Hello sales. Shoes for the next few months obtained.
Goals were made. Love my Believe I Am journal.
Tried new restaurant Firkin. Best part was the beer. Which I now apparently like-well the light kind anywho

and this showed up
So much snow

Overall an awesome month!


  1. When's your next race?! I've never seen you go this long without one.:) I might just send you a medal for Longest Bean Has Ever Gone Without Racing. It's hard when we're addicted.

    1. Next race is in March. Ugh so far away. I would totally take the medal and hang it on my medal hanger because I am very serious about medals;).

  2. I'll be entering my "race season freeze" as the rest of the country thaws out and starts racing again. It's torture. My last 2 races are in February and I have nothing on the calendar after that until probably October. I feel and can relate to your pain!

    1. I think next year I am going to have to crash your Disney runs or something so I have some races in the winter months. And I totally want to do a fun race with you!

  3. Sounds like you're making good progress with meeting your goals! Good luck with February. :) I actually prefer doing my speed work on the treadmill--you can make sure you're actually hitting your goal pace.

    1. You are so right. I am not sure why I wasn't using it for speed before. I am a slow learner apparently. :)

  4. Try and enjoy the race-free time, if you can. You worked so hard last year you do need the break. And you'll be so excited and keyed up for your next race!!!!

  5. I understand the pain of race-free time. Our race-free times are just opposite. My last race is in April, and then the drought ... boo!


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