Fighting the Type A

Confession: I didn't do my workout yesterday. 7 miles of hills. It went a little something like get up super early, get dressed, obtain water bottle and Ipod. Start treadmill. Run a few steps. Hit stop. Chuck off shoes. Get back in bed. My body and my mind just said no.

And that bothers me. I have a training schedule. It is giant and plastered to my wall. MUST RUN ALL RUNS.

But I am tired. My legs ache. I just didn't want to run. Which doesn't happen often so I am trying to listen. There was a moment or several moments when I wanted to make up the mileage today which is my rest day. But I couldn't do it. I just didn't want to run. The not running part doesn't bother me so much. I know that the runs that really matter at this point are the long runs. The time on my feet. The mind numbing and joint punishing hours of moving forward that is distance running. What bothers me is that the schedule said I was supposed to run and I didn't. But sometimes not running is the smartest thing runners can do.

Does missing training runs bother you?


  1. It sounds like you really needed a day off. I'm the same way--I hate skipping a run--but if you keep pushing when your body is telling you no, you could get burned out, overtrained, or injured. It's better to take a day off when your body says you need one. I hope you feel better tomorrow!

    1. Two days off and back to fighting form hopefully. After all the snow it is looking like a treadmill long run tomorrow- ugh. Oh well at least I have a treadmill to run on:).

  2. My wife and I were just discussing (seconds ago) how "Rest is your friend." Your mind and body are telling you to take a break. Listen to them!

    1. Sometimes it is just so hard to listen. Must obtain goal...must obtain goal:) but rest is always good!

  3. Good for you for listening to your body, I know how hard that is! My legs have been killing me lately and I think my body is trying to tell me to stop pushing so hard all the time. I skipped my speed workout this week and just did some slow easy miles and it felt so good!

    1. I think it is the speed and hills for me too. Which makes perfect sense. That is when the break down happens for new awesome muscles- technical explanation there. Hope your legs are feeling better soon!


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