Running Stuff

Well the 'must own all the running things' addiction reared its ugly head again. Though I had been wanting the chevron or candy strip running skirt when I saw this one on sale for $26

I had to order it. I love it! I can't wait to race in it this spring. This will have to hold me over until the other two go on sale. My general running attire rule is I buy nothing full price. Speaking of sales.......
I bought some Brooks that were on sale on Zappos. The awesome bloggers over at Behold the Turtle and My Heart's Content had good things to say about Brooks so I am excited to give them a whirl. 

Plus they are super fun colors.

Have you scored any good running deals lately? 


  1. I was debating on purchasing that skirt too- only thing holding me back is I have so man skirts as it is, oh runner problems. If you haven't hear of it already, you can go to and type in whatever your looking for and you'll get discount codes- i've used it for and pro compression socks thus far

    1. Brilliant I never even thought to use retailmenot. Next time! Thanks for the tip!

  2. Love the skirt! Well, and of course the shoes. So pretty! Have you tried them yet? Let me know what you think. I hope you love them as much as I do.

    1. I have only walked around in them so far. Like glorious clouds. Can't wait to take them for a run.

  3. Those skirts are so cute, I might have to get one too. Love the shoes too. I always buy the same sneakers cause I they work for me but the colorful ones are so much prettier!

    1. You should try a skirt. I think they are super comfy along with being cute.

  4. What type of Brooks are those?? Those ARE a cool color. I have that skirt... I can't remember if I have raced in it yet or not.

  5. OOOH I feel responsible now, hope you liked them. And they are SUCH a nice colour!!

    1. You spelled color with a U!!!! Love it. Side note- My husband grew up reading Terry Pratchett and would use the proper British spelling of things in school and get in trouble for it. No worries I will not blame you if they are not awesome, but they seem pretty nice so far!!!

  6. Plus those shoes will look awesome with that skirt!

    I scored tons of stuff at the thrift store yesterday. Mostly a million (slight exaggeration) pairs of yoga pants.


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