Lose Your Mind with Excitement

First thing- family is here to visit for the weekend so I am pretty excited to hang with them and do fun stuff!

Second thing- I have somehow magically (okay it wasn't magic it was nice run blogger Falon who was kind enough to invite me) hooked up with an amazing group of run bloggers who are planning to do the Chicago marathon. The general idea is to coordinate lodging, eating,  and expo and geek out on running and races and medals I hope and carb load- lots of carb loading please. I am about to lose my mind with excitement. I was excited about the Chicago marathon before.....now- oh my gosh, freak out. It is going to be so much fun. So if you are thinking of doing the Chicago marathon let me know because you do not want to miss this fun!

Third thing- with above mentioned family we celebrated a late Christmas and I scored pretty big.
Believe I am journal
 I have heard great things about this running journal and can not wait to get some goals down and start tracking the progress.

A place to keep all my awesome race bibs. My family even helped me remove all of the pins I had stuck on my bibs that I was too lazy to remove before to get them all in here. It is awesome and I have extra sheets to fill! Can't wait to stick some marathon bibs in here!

When is your next race?
Want to come run Chicago?


  1. That bib folio is pretty sweet! We are super glad to have another fun lady on our group for Chicago. It is going to be the event of the season!

  2. Wait, does this mean you're planning marathon #2?! Totally already hooked.:) OK, and I want to do that with you guys. When is registration? I will google it now.

    1. Yay!!! So excited! Going to be the best race ever!

  3. My next race will be NYC in April (fingers crossed I get in since the race is capped). I am planning on running a half in Chicago in September; it's too bad the half and the marathon aren't at the same time!

  4. I like that bib folio thing! I shove my numbers in random drawers and find them at equally random times. Probably not so efficient.

  5. OMG, I love that bib holder!!!! And damn, I wish I was running Chicago because I really wanna geek out with other runners!!!

  6. Of course I want to come to Chicago! The journal and holder look fantastic. Mine are all in a crate right now :-P

    1. It is a great city to visit! Would be quite the plane ride for you but is going to be lots of fun!


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