Vacation & Christmas Stuff

Having people visit is always fun because it forces D & I to explore the area more. We have a tendency to be hermits so having guests to show around motivates us to get out of the house. On Christmas Eve we headed to Target because their commercial lured us in (I said get out of the house, I didn't say we had to go somewhere new). Okay I don't really need a commercial to motivate me to go to Target. If  I could live there I would. I found these sweet shirts, both for under $20. Win.

After our shopping extravaganza we went on the hunt for Chicago dogs and found them at Trolley Dogs in Kenosha. Delicious. 

 After stuffing our faces we headed home and waited for Santa. Max was beside himself with excitement.
 We always open a present on Christmas eve and I got to play santa this year.

Christmas morning we woke up bright and early, slammed some coffee and got down to business. I got some sweet running gear.
 New medal hanger!!!! I was running out of room on my other one and I plan to put some marathon medals on this one. Exciting.
I also got a sweet new hydration pack that I have been wanting. Room for water, snacks and phone. I have big plans for this that include 20 mile training runs and some fun this summer in the Forest Preserves around here. Hello marathons and trail running.
Overall a great day with fun, food and sweet new stuff!


  1. I got a new medal hanger for Christmas. I'll share it on the blog after it's on the wall and loaded with some bling!!!

  2. Love the medal hanger! Yum! I love Chicago dogs. SO delicious! I probably shouldn't think about them now, though. I need to lay off the food for awhile (a really LONG while).

    1. Oh I know. Been none stop eating around here. In about two days I am thinking nothing but vegetables. Been too many delicious things around lately.

  3. I have that hydration pack-love it and NO CHAFFING!!

    1. Oh that no chaffing makes me so happy. I was nervous to get a pack, but the ones that go around the hips drive me insane so this seemed like the way to go. And it is a pretty color- which is very important;).

  4. Love the hydration pack! And I can't go past a good Santa hat picture ;-). I'm so glad you had a great holiday.

    1. Santa hat pictures are the best. Everyone wearing a Santa hat always looks very dignified:).


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