Month in Review: December

Mileage this month was kind of a bust at only 46.7 but resting went well with taking a whole week off and reducing mileage by quite a bit for the month.

I injured my hip a bit but was able to tweak it back into place and have been doing strengthening exercises to hopefully not do that again.

I bumped up my strength training and attempts at yoga as an alternative to running and would like to keep that up.

No races this month but have been having adventures in cold weather running. Not a huge fan but am grateful that the weather has been mild enough that I have been able to run outside.

Other highlights:

Registered for a spring marathon

Obtained some sweet running gear- yay for Christmas!

Adventures in the big city and visiting with family.

Any highlights for you this month?


  1. Ooo...a marathon!!! I was telling K last night I need to figure out the 2 other half mary's I'll do next year. I like to do 4 a year.


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