Adventures in Chicagoland

Yesterday was the Father in-laws birthday so to celebrate I special ordered snow and went for a run in it. Okay the run was for me. I planned to go for six miles and went 4.7 after I realized it was cold and wet and I was tired from too much eating and wandering around Chicago on Thursday. 

 Really it was snowing harder than it looks in this picture. I swear.
We all went out to dinner at the Shanty. This restaurant has been on diners, drive-in and dives. Check it out here. I had the whiskey shrimp they made on the show. So good. Of course anything with that amount of butter is going to be delicious. 
It looks just like this only think dark, cold and snowy.
I also baked a funfetti cake to celebrate because we just did not have enough food in the house. Hey it is a birthday and it must be celebrated. 
 Today D's parents flew home so we dropped them at the airport and went out for breakfast.
 We happened to be driving by a World Market and Trader Joe's so we had to stop.

 As a huge fan of banana's I thought this beer looked interesting. But at $5 a bottle I just couldn't put it in the cart. So instead I put this in the cart.
 The above situation is what happens when D takes too long looking at beer. I find every bottle of cheap, sweet wine in the store and put it in the cart. I love you Trader Joe's, mostly your wine section, oh and the fact you sell goat cheese for cheap.
And I found this little gem for $10 at World Market. I  have been needing a hat and I found one. Yes I am an adult. Yes I bought an owl hat. I am gonna rock this thing everyday until there is no more snow.

Today is a rest day = sit on couch wearing owl hat and watching movies.
Tomorrow is a long run day. I think I will go for seven or eight if the weather is not too bad, or I guess I could run on  the treadmill. Inside or out, a long run needs to happen. Happy weekend!


  1. Oh I love this! The owl hat is adorable. I have never had Funfetti, been to Trader Joe's, or seen World Market. We must change this :-).

    I hope your father-in-law had a great birthday!

  2. The hat rocks!!! Keep it on all year long ;)

  3. I like you rocking your owl hat!! I'm preparing to park my butt on the couch for the rest of the day, too!!!


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