
Tis that time of year. A time to reflect on how you are going to get the stuffing, potatoes, rolls and turkey done all at the same time.


It is time to reflect on what I am thankful for.

1) D. I feel lucky to be married to my best friend. He may not understand the running thing or the obsession with all things dessert but he loves me anyway.

2) My family. They get me and I love hanging out with them and even though you don't get to pick you family like you do your friends, I would have picked them given the chance.

3) My in-laws. Got super lucky on this front. They are fun to be around and nice enough to come visit us in Illinois in December and I love the heck out of the them.

4) My job. I am very, very thankful to have a job. Even better, a job I enjoy with people I like. It is rough out there on the job front and I feel very lucky to be employed.

5) My friends. Whether we talk all the time or hardly at all I am thankful to have such fun and wonderful people in my life who I can turn to when things get tough or just bug when I am bored.

6) My fellow run bloggers. They keep me motivated and entertained. In my mind they are my running buddies and I have high hopes that eventually I will get to run with all my favorites.

7) Running. I am thankful I have the health and ability to go out for a run. Sometimes it is fun, sometimes not so fun but I am thankful to have a hobby that keeps me healthy and gives me a way to challenge myself.

8) My blog readers. I am thankful to have an audience for the crazy and having an outlet to express myself.

Happy Thanksgiving! Hope everyone has a wonderful holiday.

What are you thankful for?


  1. Happy Thanksgiving! We may not celebrate it on the same day, but i'm thankful that you blog :)

  2. Happy Thanksgiving, Bean!!! Today I'm feeling very thankful for health, my family, and being able to run!!

  3. Someone asked me today how much my hobby costs, and I told them that the costs were pretty low compared to the benefits. Seriously, this running stuff has a lot of great returns, so it's worth the costs. Anyway, happy t-day, and I'm thankful that I know you. And I hope we get to hang out again one day!

    1. It's funny you say that because part of the reason I started running was because it was "cheap". This cheap "hobby" of mine has grown quite expensive but, as you say, the benefits outweigh the costs!

  4. Happy Thanksgiving! So many things to be thankful for: family, friends, pets, health, running ...


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