I was called out

Don't you just hate it when you have a big mouth and instead of sitting around eating leftovers all day you have to get off your butt and run an....entire.....mile. Ugh.
Day 2 of streak complete- slow start, less slow finish.

Thanks Jac for keeping me on track. You rock! I am glad you accepted the challenge because apparently I can not do it without you!

I totally killed Black Friday shopping. Out the door by 8:30 a.m. Got a sweet xmas tree on sale, a guest bed and mattress on sale for future visitors and Christmas gifts for the family and didn't threaten to kill anyone verbally or even have the thought cross my mind. Which is weird because usually my normal trip to the grocery store ticks me off in some way. Apparently I have shopper rage instead of road rage. But even the massive line at a department store didn't kill my holiday buzz.
Christmas has arrived!

Tomorrow is the Shaumburg Half and I am super not excited about it. Mostly because it is supposed to be freezing and windy and I am not looking forward to the uncomfortable I am sweaty and frozen at the same time combo. 
I have gathered multiple layers. All in black to reflect my somber not excited mood. Except for my awesome pink shoes of course. Time to toughen up, and maybe the harder I run the warmer I will be.......we will see about that.

Anyone get any sweet deals today?
Any advice for cold weather racing?


  1. Good luck tomorrow! I hate running in the cold too so I generally avoid it. The only "advice" I can think of is make sure to bring kleenex!

  2. OMG, not an entire mile?!! The horror!!! I remember when 1 mile in gym class was a nightmare. Now it's, "JUST a mile!" LOL Glad we have each other to kick ourselves out of our comfort zones! I didn't want to run 1 mile today but you called me out on Twitter and I gotta live up to my crazy rep! LOL I love that you're decorated for Christmas. We normally decorate over T-Day weekend but this year, we're getting a live tree like a week before Christmas since we live in AZ!

  3. I am glad you survived Black Friday. I get Black Friday rage by just watching about it on tv. Maybe if I actually went out my heart would soften towards it. My husband thinks I have email rage because he said I get inappropriately mad at emails and send mean responses sometimes.

  4. Hope you rocked your race! I am very impressed that you didn't get shopping rage on black Friday:) nice job!


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