Commitment Issues and Rest

Well this happened this evening.
Fingers crossed that the end of March is not as brutally cold as last Saturday was. Either way the medal for this race looks amazing and there is an Easter Egg hunt involved. Pretty much had to register. Half #26 looks like a lot of fun.

What is weird is that I for some reason can't seem to pull the trigger on the marathon registration. I have a training plan. I have placed training plan on the calender so I know when training commences.
There it is- the date of the Illinois marathon in pen so pretty committed. 
I have pretty much begged Yo Momma to be there. Just do it already. But you know when you register all of the sudden it becomes real. The twenty mile long runs, yep they have to happen. The injury fears after so many miles of work become a weird type of paranoia where every twinge is a shattered bone. The self doubt about staying upright and moving forward for 26.2 miles becomes loud when your finger hesitates over the enter key. I will get there, well I will get there by 12/31 when registration goes up. Don't rush me.

The last two days I have run exactly one mile a day. Monday I lifted weights. Today I did power yoga. My arms hurt- these past two days have been more activity than they are used to seeing in an entire week. The good thing is my hip is starting to feel better already and the weird pain I have in my left foot where I think I landed on a rock weird when my feet were chunks of ice at the half is fading fast. Rest is good.


  1. You know you're a runner when you complain in blog posts that you're burned out on half's and go register for another one!!! ha ha ha!! I love it. Proud of you for keeping the streak going!

  2. I love the idea of an Easter race that includes an egg hunt! Easter is my second favorite holiday! :c)

    You're farther along than me with the marathon planning. You have it penned in, so you have to do it. It is still a very distant thought for me ... a very scary distant thought.

  3. An egg hunt race sounds like fun! A marathon does sound super scary but I have total faith in your ability to do it. You should totally go for it if it's something you want to do! Happy to hear you're healing :)

  4. I haven't pulled the trigger yet either! But thanks for mentioning that the price goes up 12/31. I like to put those dates on the calendar. Almost as important as birthdays. I keep trying to predict if my sister-in-law will still live in Illinois by then. Her husband is currently job hunting.


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