The RnR that Wasn't: Round Two

Well once again participating in a Rock and Roll marathon I have signed up for eludes me. I registered for
before we knew we would be moving so very far away. At first I was like sweet I can fly back for some sunshine and palm trees in the dead of winter. Brilliant. Look up plane tickets, hotels, transportation, contacting times. And then I added it all up and it was like a million dollars for less than 24 hours in the sunshine.

So I thought about it for awhile and was like D 'do you think it is worth it?'
D: 'No you could register for the rest of your races locally and then some for that amount of money.'

Voice of reason strikes again.
If I could stay longer maybe it would be worth it but considering I would be flying in Saturday afternoon and flying out Sunday seems like an annoying amount of time in airports and airplanes without much payoff. So RnR AZ is a no go. I am pretty sure I will run 30 half marathons without one being from the Rock & Roll series. This may be some sort of record. 


  1. I totally get what you are saying. I have probably spent ridiculous amounts of money in my 50 state quest, and in VERY few instances did I stay longer than a day. There will be other races! You are lucky where you live now there are TONS of races close by.

    PS - RnR races are NOT all that, other than my local RnR, I will not be running another one.

  2. awww. sometimes races that are far away aren't worth it.. unless you get a tiffany's necklace at the end.. then its defintiely worth it !(:

  3. That's a bummer you're going to miss RnR AZ - it's the 10th anniversary, bound to be a cool medal. That said, I'm missing it myself because runDisney bumped Tinker Bell to the same weekend and I had already agreed to run Tink with M again. Grrr... I'm kinda upset because I'm convinced the RnR AZ medal is going to be kick ass whereas the Tink medal will be exactly the same as the one I already have - just a different ribbon color. Was that more info than you cared to know?


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