Thighlicious and Disappointment

First off today was 7/11 which meant FREE SLURPEE. And I happen to live by two Slurpee meccas so I stopped on my way to work. That is right 8am Slurpee run.
Though it was tiny, the sugar free strawberry banana hit the spot after 6 hilly miles this morning.

In other food news our neighbor showed up at our door with homemade tarts yesterday, waltzed in, placed them in the fridge and waltzed out.
So that was awesome.

On to the sad times.
 I have heard great things about Oiselle and am on the hunt for the perfect running shorts so I ordered some rogas and today I opened the mail to find
 I danced back from the mailbox with visions of 20 mile tempo runs (I have never done a 20 mile tempo run and I have no intention of doing one in the near future but that was my fantasy) with magic shorts. Visions of trails and fields to frolic through a la The Sound of Music (singing optional).

And look at them. They are cute and they feel so good. And they fit my thighs like sausage casing. Cue freak out.

(Heavy sigh). So in the last year I have lost about 35lbs. Sloooooowwwwwwlllllyyy (not on purpose I just love eating so much that dropping weight has been tricky). Lots of running, cross training, calorie counting, blood, sweat, tears (you get the idea) have gone in to that. Needless to say when the shorts didn't fit there was a wave of frustration. I even measured and used the measuring guide on the website (but for the waist not my thighs which is where the problem lies). Why are my thighs so huge?

I immediately went to the dark place. Somebody give me a burger, I want to eat my emotions. But after I put the shorts back in the box (and got over the fact that I have return them which office) I had to give my thighs credit. They have dragged me through 14 half marathons since October, they pushed me through 6 miles of hills this morning, and I think they are looking pretty good. So these shorts are not for me. Oh well. Return and move on.

I think the fact that I can appreciate my body and what it can do in this way instead of just feeling bad for not fitting into a certain size may indicate maturity. Maybe.


  1. You make a good point about what your thighs have done for you. It's so hard to order clothing through the mail so don't beat yourself up too much about it!!

    1. I don't know why insist shopping online. It rarely works but just so lazy.:)

  2. Your neighbors rock!

    I take that turn to negative turn immediately. Good for you for avoiding it. You're so right; your thighs do amazing things (that sounds so wrong, but I think you know what I mean ... I hope). Congratulations on your weight loss and all the awesome running you do! I totally understand about the slooooow weight loss. I love working out, but I love food too; it's difficult to balance, and I'm still working on it.

    1. Thanks for the pep talk! Having blogger peeps that are going through the same thing really helps keep me going! You rock!

  3. ugh, i hate that dark place. i'm a stress-eater so whenever i'm maxed out it takes serious control for me to not sprint there!

    such a great attitude...definitely focus on your incredible accomplishments and all that your body is able to do!

    as for running shorts, i absolutely cannot find a pair that i love. i have spent an embarrassing amount of money on running skirts/shorts and i just can't find one that i love. when i do, i'm buying up the entire stock.

    btw, those tarts. they look incredible.


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