Month in Review: June

What the heck, where did June go? This month seemed to fly by.

Miles for the month: 104.6
Highest mileage month of the year. So that is pretty dang exciting
If only I had this much rhythm in zumba

Highest mileage week 31.5
Highest mileage week of the year.
I am a little behind on my goal to hit 1000 miles this year (at 477.3 currently) so hoping that I can continue to build on high mileage weeks for the rest of year.

This month I tried zumba and muscle pump classes to get out of my comfort zone and work on some cross training. I don't think I will keep attending those classes because I am cheap and don't want to pay for the pass but I have dug out my Jillian Michael's 'I am gonna kill you' workout dvd box set and my three different yoga dvds, plus I own a spin bike, step and weights. I have everything and more that I need for cross training. And I saw there is a zumba dvd set..... something to think about (because obviously I don't have enough workout equipment....)

Goals for July:
- Keep building up the mileage
- Keep cross training
- Make sure I get in my hip strengthening exercises and that I stretch and ice more
- Actually do the hill workouts listed in the training plan I am following. This means I will have to get up earlier and drive somewhere but I have a feeling the payoff will be big.
-Same goes for the speed workouts

Half Marathons run: 0
Medals obtained: 0

I miss racing. It is hard to stay focused when the next race I am signed up for is in September. That seems so far away. Far away enough to skip some runs and lay in the air conditioning. But no, no, no. Now is the time to build up mileage and endurance.

My four latest obsessions (all of which went down the hatch this past weekend)
So happy these are in season

Baked red potato with cottage cheese and tapatio. Looks gross but tastes delicious to me for some reason

Fro yo- why are you so dang good and conveniently located

Subway you never get old.


  1. What race in September are you doing? And I completely relate to how you feel about the race being so far away. I also agree that right now is the time to build and prepare..we'll only reap the rewards when we race again. (At least that's what I tell myself!) Great job on your amazing miles!

    1. I am doing RnR Denver. Whoop first RnR for me. Excited for our streaking event!

  2. I like the cottage cheese on potato idea! And great work on your new high mileage for the month!


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