Breeze in the Trees Goals

First 5K in three years tomorrow going down tomorrow. For some reason I am a little nervous. I think it is the fact that I am slow and this is a small race so the potential to be last could technically be a reality. Plus it has been pouring rain out so this dirt road/ trail race could get interesting.

1) Don't die, or more specifically don't take off at top speed during the first mile and then die for the next 2.1. It would be good to build some speed over the three miles. Start reasonable and end quickly. Most likely what will happen: I will go out too fast and then try to maintain and slow down over the three miles.

2) Don't make whatever mystery pain that has popped up in my right leg over the last few days worse. Focus on form, run light, and slow down if needed. I can't even tell you how annoyed I am with this 'injury' feeling right now

3) Aim for under 30 minutes.

4) If feeling sassy aim for under 28.

5) Actually wake up on time to make it to the race on time. This race starts at 6:30 and is 50 minutes away = way too early to be awake on a Saturday.

6) Have fun and obtain t-shirt


  1. Good luck tomorrow! Have fun out there :)

  2. You are hardly a slow runner! I can't wait to hear about your run. Sorry to hear you're feeling injured!


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