No time....

to blog.

Too busy hanging around in the pool and watching hours of HGTV and the E network.
While we are on the subject anyone heard about this controversy?

 former "House Hunters" participant Bobi Jensen called the show a sham. Jensen writes that the HGTV producers found her family's plan to turn their current home into a rental property "boring and overdone," and therefore crafted a narrative about their desperation for more square footage. What's more, producers only agreed to feature Jensen's family after they had bought their new house, forcing them to "tour" friends' houses that weren't even for sale to accommodate the trope of "Which one will they choose?"
This does not sound like the network ethic that HGTV General Manager Kathleen Finch told Slate's June Thomas about in a February interview, during which she defended HGTV as "a network of journalistic storytelling, not dramatic storytelling," claiming that producers are "very conscious of not allowing any kind of fake drama."
That was then. HGTV issued a classic hedging statement, telling Entertainment Weekly that, yes, producers recruit families who have already done most of the house-hunting legwork to accommodate production time constraints, but that "because the stakes in real estate are so high, these homeowners always find themselves right back in the moment, experiencing the same emotions and reactions to these properties." 

Um no time did I think that people toured three houses and only three houses in the span of two days and then picked one to buy. Come on.....really? I do not care if this show is produced within an inch of its life as long as it is still letting me tour houses around the world without leaving my couch and giving me ideas on decorating and hope that one day I to can say the words "5 million dollar budget" and "I don't think this 15 bedroom castle in Scotland is large enough". 

Run today: 6 miles of hilly, hot ridiculous and one hissy fit that it took forever because apparently running up for 3 miles makes me cranky. Downside to house sitting- it is in the mountains and mountains = hills, lots and lots of really big hills (as in the side of the mountain). One the hunt for a track for Thursdays workout.


  1. Congrats on the 6 miles in hot hilly silliness. The upside of doing it is you got it done! And you got some incline training in there as a result. Winning!


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