Does this cadence make my butt look big?

Whelp yesterday was Friday the most glorious day of the work week. I smuggled my magic massage the calf and everything that hurts stick into work and used it a few times throughout the day. Best idea ever. After 6 miles at a 10:11 pace (fast for me in this heat, only thing I could figure is that I was so happy to not be running hills I went faster) my calves needed a little TLC.

After work I headed over to Fleet Feet for the running form workshop. It was put on by Newton shoes who had a rep there so we could try Newtons.
The only down side was they didn't have any in size clown W12 so I had to wear the men's version. They fit okay but were a little wide. But at around $120 to $175 a pop it was nice to actually try running in these shoes in case I win the lotto and want to purchase some (disclaimer: these shoes are supposed to last up to 800 miles which is about twice as long as your normal running shoe so really they are a pretty good deal. I am physically unable to hand over that much money for a pair of running shoes at this point and D threatened to disown me if I came home with another pair of running shoes). Fleet feet did offer 20% off for anyone who wanted to purchase some after the clinic. I liked the shoes and will consider purchasing them in the future. It was funny they felt weird at first but as our form adjusted throughout the clinic by the end they just felt like regular ole running shoes.

The rep taught us about form and ran us through some drills and then we went on a mini run to practice.
Form highlights for those of you who may be running like this

1) pretend you are holding potato chips (or your favorite crushable snack item) in your hand to relax your grip and keep your arms lose
2) don't cross your arms over your body while running, try to keep everything pointing forward
3) land with your feet under your body not in front of it. Landing in front is more impact and causes you to put on the brakes. Your heel can touch the ground, don't run on your toes just try to keep your feet from getting out in front of you
4) fall forward or in other words let gravity pull you forward, don't actually face plant just lean forward from your feet all the way to your head- this works amazingly well to propel you forward, I must have been doing a lot of up and down movement and less forward movement
5) keep your head up and look forward- amazing how much time I spend staring at the ground right in front of me
6) cadence- move your feet faster. Most people run at 160 the most efficient cadence is around 180. This is difficult to do and a metronome might come in handy (on the wish list) to get you used to the higher cadence. You don't have to go faster (though I seem to when I try to do this) just pick up your feet more.
7) pick your feet up with your hips and knees to rotate through don't push off from the ground.

A lot to remember so I headed out to practice this morning on my 3 miler. It was exhausting. First of all my poor brain was like potato chips (mmm I am hungry, focus), lift with knees, move feet faster, YOU'RE CRUSHING THE POTATO CHIP, LOOK UP, CADENCE, AHHHHHH. I had to dial it down and focus on one or two things at a time. After awhile I felt like I had it down pretty well but by mile 3 I was pretty tired. Apparently my normal form is horrendous and it takes a lot of effort to get it in line. It is recommended that you start changing your form slowly, a few miles out of your run or on short runs, especially adjusting your cadence. That can take months to adjust up to 180.

Overall a great clinic and fun time. Thanks Fleet Feet Tucson for being awesome!


  1. Just met the people from my local fleet feet, and I really liked them. Newtons would be cool to try. My husband has also made threats if I put more shoes in the closet (unless they are donated to me!). I think there is a metronome app that I might check out now because I really would like to know what my cadence is. I have a VERY short stride.

  2. Just met the people from my local fleet feet, and I really liked them. Newtons would be cool to try. My husband has also made threats if I put more shoes in the closet (unless they are donated to me!). I think there is a metronome app that I might check out now because I really would like to know what my cadence is. I have a VERY short stride.


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