An evil bout of treadmill

I have been taking some time off of running and doing lots of cross training. My calf and hips have been feeling better the last few days after hours of stretching and strengthening exercises so I thought I would try to run. My first thought, because I am dumb, was that I should go between 4 to 6 miles. Because every knows when you are coming back from an injury or potential injury on the way the first thing you should try to do is re-injure yourself with a longer run.

But luckily because I was trying to run on a treadmill I was not able to achieve this bout of stupidity. Because treadmills suck. Mightily. I ran two miles (pain free) and in the twenty minutes it took me to achieve that I sweated through my shirt, contemplated jumping off a zillion times and then almost flew off when I stopped paying attention for twenty seconds. Why is the treadmill so hard?

My thinking was that I would do my next couple of runs on the treadmill since they are more cushy and I have more control so if something starts to hurt I can stop and walk to the car instead of stop and walk 5 miles back to the house. But I don't know. Those two miles were torture. TORTURE. But perhaps I should view it as a challenge. And if I am going to get faster I feel like the treadmill may be a help in getting me used to running at a faster pace. Tricky, very tricky.

Anyone have any treadmill running advice they would be willing to share?


  1. I HATE the dreadmill! But, like you, I've been thinking about it for speed workouts. I need to bring about 15 additional fans to my craptastic condo gym to survive.


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