Arizona Distance Classic Eve

This morning I woke up and my legs still felt a little sore so I headed out with the dogs for a stroll around the neighborhood for about an hour to see if it would loosen things up. Seems to have worked and these lazy butts mutts got some exercise. Win win.

I meet up with my friend C for some carbo loading lunch at the macaroni grill and to celebrate her birthday!
So that is really a win.

 Stuffing your face is more fun in pairs. She also brought me my weekly fix of celebrity news. So that is what I will be doing tonight.
I also laid out my outfit for tomorrow. We are headed over for margarita's with some friends later tonight so it is probably good that everything is ready to go tomorrow. Tequila and race prep probably don't mix well. Fingers crossed tequila and half marathons do.


  1. That sounds like an awesome day. Yay for celebrity gossip magazines!


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