Arizona Half Goals

On Saturday I am running the Arizona Half in Goodyear. (back to back races-I know I am a bad-ass....or crazy).
There have been some difficulties getting this race together. First it was supposed to be in Scottsdale. And then there was no course for awhile. And now it is in Estrella (community, neighborhood, I don't know). But the course is flat and looks pretty on their Facebook page so we shall see how it goes.

I am not sure what goals to set for this race. On one hand it is supposed to be flat and fast which means I could push it again and see if I can finish in 2:07 or 2:06. On the other hand I am tired, my leg is still wonky and sore, this week is stressful and next week I have my PhD exams (ahhhh panic attack). So part of me just wants to run the thing at whatever pace I feel like get my medal, free bagel and take a nap and continue trying to not freak out about my exams. I am also planning to take a week or two off of running to let my leg recover after this race (will continue to cross train if I am not too busy stuffing my face with half off valentine's candy). Which means I could really tear it up since I have some time to recover before the next half ......or I could not.

So I think I will set two sets of goals
Bad-ass Goals for race (if I feel awesome and want to push it and think signing up for a million races before my exams and back to back races was the best idea I have ever had, this rocks)
A: new PR
B: under 2:10
C: under 2:15

I am crazy goals for race (if I feel like I am more of a dumb-ass and signing up for back to back races was a less than brilliant idea)
A: finish and get medal
B: finish and get medal
C: finish and get medal

Well I think that about covers it.


  1. you'll do great with your back to back- 1 week recovery should be good.
    enjoy and most importantly, have fun!

  2. I think you are a bad ass no matter the outcome of the race. I have three weeks in between races and don't think it's enough. Have fun!

  3. Good luck! I hope you kill it this weekend (and tomorrow, and next week)!


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