Team Gab Virtual Race

This morning D & I headed over to meet our friend Erica to run 7 miles before everyone else showed up to run/ walk the 10k. We ran 7 miles in 1:11. Not bad for this slow poke.

 By the time we were done everyone was ready to go.

Ready to 'virtual race'
A few people ran (I ran another three miles with my friend Val) and a few people walked and it was a beautiful day!

Alex and her dog Pavel tearing up a 10k

Erica finishing the half
Christina, Kerri and Jenny enjoying the perfect weather
Kerri, Val and Christina

A view of the beautiful 'river' along the river trial

D & Nick
Team Cheese (3of them are from Wisconsin) coming in for the big finish!
Perfect weather, good temps and good company plus thoughts of chocolate chip pancakes dancing in our heads (or maybe just mine).

After everyone met back up we headed over to our house to stuff our faces. D made pancakes while I laid on the floor. Perfect hostess behavior.

Pancakes! Yum!
 I meant to take pictures of people enjoying their pancakes but off course was too busy stuffing my own face. Overall a great way to start the day! Thanks everyone for coming out and supporting Team Gab!


  1. Wow! Seven miles in 1:11 is speedy to me! Nice job! And nice job on all the money raised for Team Gab!

  2. LOVE!!

    Thanks to everyone for getting out there and enjoying a beautiful day!


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