OMG Skinny Runner put my name on her blog

I would like to say that I acted all nice and normal about this but I believe it went something like......
oh my god, oh my god, oh my god, skinny runner mentioned me on her blog. SHE MENTIONED ME ON HER BLOG while bouncing up and down
Husband's reaction: Whoa calm down, but that is cool (backs away slowly rethinking marital vows and wondering who would gain custody of the dogs).
So go check it out:

And now I think I need to go lie down.


  1. I'm glad she did! That's how I found you.

  2. So exciting for you! When will it be my turn?!?

  3. I saw that! Woo hoo, you're famous! :)

  4. Haha! Love this. Congratulations.


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