Colorado we are here to grace you with our presence

After eating our free breakfast at La Quinta Inn (totally a good deal-$67 for the night and pet friendly- no charge so those with dog children keep this in mind) we hit the road to finish our journey to Franktown, Colorado to be with my family for the holidays. But the trip was.....less than perfect.

We hit snow pretty early on

Kringle does not approve of this snow storm 

and then our back tire exploded.
What the heck crappy tire don't you know I have Christmas to get too!

 So I sat in the car and supervised from inside the warm car while D got all dirty and tired changing out the tire. Someone had to hold the lug nuts. I am probably the best asset in an emergency. Very good at supervision. And then when he was done I made him drive through a blizzard. I am the BEST WIFE EVER.

It was slow going for awhile but after many hours of white knuckling it and eating Wendy's for a nutritious lunch we finally arrived to a winter wonderland!

Whoo snow I like you better when I am inside a warm house

And since D and I are big babies when it comes to cold my family had lots of blankets and a warm fire at the ready for us. I don't see myself running a lot this Christmas holiday unless it is in snow boots. Oh well.... leaves more time for eating!


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