Shun the Sun 1/2 Race Review

So after dreaming that I kept missing the race and waking up in a panic my alarm finally went off at 5:30a.m. After drinking some coffee and eating a peppermint stick cliff bar (yum on that one) D and I headed to the start at 6:20.
Two thumbs up for early mornings and shiny sunscreen faces

 Everything was very organized and easy to get to. We got to park right next to the start and there were indoor bathrooms since the start was at Hohokam Stadium. Score.

Start line

We started in a parking lot and ran out into the road and then onto a path by a canal for the rest of the way. The course was out and back. We started right on time at 7a.m. It was a little chilly and overcast- perfect running weather.

Waiting to start- stand up straight me, geez
Half of the course was on a paved path. Half of it was on gravel. There were aid stations about every three miles the first half and then about every two miles the second half. Gu was offered at the turn around point and they started offering gatorade with water at the turn around point as well.

My only real complaint about the course is that the part on gravel incorporated some bigger rocks that I kept rolling my ankle on. Probably because I am not very graceful and as I got more tired I got more clumsy. It got really frustrating towards the end though and pavement would have been better. Considering last years course was two loops I will take an out and back with gravel any day to having to do the same thing twice. Plus the canal was pretty, peaceful, had ducks and water and no cars. We crossed numerous streets but police officers were there to stop traffic. Volunteers at the aid stations were great and cheered us on. Otherwise there really were no spectators.
Sprint to the finish.
 The finish was in the Stadium which was cool. And it was slightly down hill so you could have a moment of glory at top speed towards the end..
Medal obtained
 This year they had medals for everyone. So of course I was super pleased with that (Becka mentioned last year they handed out dog tags-cool but I want a medal). They had water and bananas, rolls, oranges, fruit snacks  granola bars etc at the end.
Grass- Gloriousness
The best part of finishing in the stadium is that it had grass. Something we Tucsonians do not see very often. Great for kicking back after running hard. Overall this race was well organized and fun.

So how did I do......
pretty dang awesome. Official finish time 2:20:02.
My face after realizing I would finish under 2:30
Mile 1 10:11.8
Mile 2 10:10.5
Mile 3 10:17.8
Mile 4 10:09.6
Mile 5 10:23.9
Mile 6 10:40.4 (ate gu)
Mile 7 10:31.0
Mile 8 10:17.1
Mile 9 11:12.2
Mile 10 11:33.7
Mile 11 11:04.3
Mile 12 12:20.4 (rolled ankle, threw mental fit-apparently eats into your time)
Mile 13 10:23.6
Mile 14 :45.4

I don't know what happened but I like it. I PR'd. Fastest I have ever run a half. Hot dang. I just need to learn to keep it together at the end (see miles 9 through 12, or perhaps ignore mile 12 ugh). I can definitely run faster than I think I can so I think I need to step up my game. Now excuse me while I go do the happy dance. 


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