Shun the Sun 1/2 Eve....and a trip to heaven

After tricking our friends J and B into watching the hellhounds

Don't let them fool you, they are not as sweet as they look, definitely up to something
 (okay we asked nicely, thanks guys!) D and I were free and clear to head out from Tucson bright and early (yes 10 a.m. is bright & early according to us) to drive down to Mesa so I can run the Shun the Sun half marathon on Saturday.
Road trip
 On the way we found heaven. And it is a bright blue and yellow box containing every type of furniture you can build with a peg system plus other awesome stuff like one million tea lights for $1.99 (I bought three bags because that kind of deal just can not go unrewarded).

Me with a stuffed broccoli toy: the only vegetable I fully support
After wandering through there for what seemed like forever we stumbled back to the car in a Ikea induced haze and headed for race packet pick-up at Hohokam Stadium (we also stumbled out with a new kitchen rug, candle holder, desk protector, tea lights, and trash can. oh and lighter wallets.)
Hohokam Stadium

The packet pick-up was a health expo so it was mostly spas and people who wanted to resurface my face. Not great. We got there at three which is when I thought it was supposed to start but it didn't start until four. So I was ready to be all this place was unorganized blah blah blah but no I am just special and can't read. They were actually really accommodating considering I showed up an hour early. They found my number, shirt and race packet all while still trying to set up. I on the other hand stood there probably looking confused as to why everything was such a mess. Ugh I hate when I bring the dumb to a situation. So the volunteers were great at the expo. Since I am not into having my face shot at with laser beams or hearing about vitamins really the expo was kind of a bust for me but it was an event to bring awareness to skin cancer so just fine for the theme of the race.
D doing is part to fight the being healthy craze

Race expo at Hohokam Stadium
Race Packet stuff: mostly flyers but did score chap stick, band aids, lotion and an awesome long sleeve bamboo tech shirt

After swinging by Comfort Inn to check in

(not bad for $79 dollars a night and only a 5 minute drive to the start) we went on the hunt for dinner and found

I had never been here before. It was delicious and a fun sports bar atmosphere. I carbo loaded with buffalo chicken flatbread and a salad. Flatbread= delicious.

After D and I headed back to the hotel but got side tracked at Dairy Queen (or at least I did). I ended up with a microscopic caramel crunch blizzard and D got some chocolaty peanut buttery deliciousness. He shared since mine was gone in about five seconds and I kept staring at him real hard as he tried to eat his.  A keeper this one.
No the blizzard is not bigger than it appears
Once done carbo loading I prepped the race stuff and snuggled in for a million hour fest of HGTV. House Hunters I love you. House Hunters and ice cream together= nirvana. Then it was lights out and weird dreams of waking up too late for the race.......


  1. The shirts look way better than the one I got last year. Excited to hear how it goes!


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