Give Thanks for the 10lbs I just gained

So this week has been awesome. The parents-in-law arrived Tuesday evening and it was non-stop fun and eating until they left this morning. And then we just kept eating to honor their departure.

 Thursday we celebrated Thanksgiving and Christmas all in one day. Thanksxmas. Best day ever, tons of food and presents. I scored these sweet things along with a sweater and a robe. It has been a non-stop reading fest for me. Love it.

After cooking and stuffing our faces all day Thursday, Friday the MIL and I got pedicures.  My feet almost look normal.
Pretty toes make me happy
After toes we met the men folk at the bar where they waited for us and headed out for some Mexican nourishment because sitting in a massage chair having someone else paint your toes really works up an appetite. 

Yes this is the size of my head and delicious
We also put up the Christmas decorations. Nellie was disappointed to find out the tree skirt was not for her.

 I am thankful that the parents-in-law were able to come spend the holidays with us and for my home and family. All in all, a great couple of days. I did manage to get a six mile run in on Wednesday and a three mile walk in today. But I decided to take a few days off to give my ankle a rest so this is perfect timing except for the large amount of calories I am not burning off. Oh well back on track with exercise and normal eating tomorrow. I think I hear a piece of pie calling my name.


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