Mount Lemmon Eve

Woke up with a mixture of excitement and dread when I realized that four months ago this sounded like a great idea....but now that I have to actually do it...not so sure. That is a pretty big hill I paid to plod up. But commitment is commitment so I drug the spousal unit to the expo which was kind of a flop. But in their defense I guess there was an article in the paper this morning about changes to the race. There was really nothing there except for numbers, shirts and an opportunity to buy another Mount Lemmon race shirt. Not sure how many one girl needs (though tempting since it was non-tech which means normal everyday wear to flaunt my accomplishment. But it was bright yellow so no go.)
Expo, a little underwhelming

but on the upside with nothing to look at or buy we left with our pockets full of cash (or change) and with plenty of extra time to do our usual Saturday activity...sitting around. In the goody bag there was also a lot of nothing so...that was exciting. We did get a water bottle which I fully intend to carry around as a symbol of my awesomeness. What was missing from the bag was course maps and busing instructions. Fingers crossed the website is right.

Number 337: symbolically known as the number of the plodder
The race shirts are kind of funny. Instead of being gender sized they were gender colored. Girls got pink, boys got white. My shirt was a little big but that is my fault. I forget that I am size too sexy now that I have lost a little weight.

I got a pink t-shirt, confirmation that I am indeed a girl.
My Mom and Dad were super sweet and sent my flowers and chocolates as a good luck surprise. Totally unexpected. They are so awesome. Can't wait until they fully bloom. Going to be so pretty. And now that I know there is chocolate to eat when I am done racing I will probably PR.

I run for chocolate
I met my friends J and C for lunch. Delicious Greek salad and pitas and hummus to carbo load Greek style. Plus some of this bad boy was shared (for carbo loading purposes of course).

mmmm baklava
I decided that I also needed pumpkin bars to go with my chocolates as a reward so had to stop at the store on the way home. (Heather found pumpkin at Walmart so crisis averted unless you count going to Walmart on a Saturday a crisis which I have decided should never be done). While standing in line to check out for an hour I noticed this thing staring at me and had to purchase it. 

Yes this was probably a waste of $3
It is chapstick. Weirdest thing ever. And bound to wind up under the couch. But I couldn't resist. 

Well the Garmin is charging.  Chews are packed. The outfit is ready. Water bottle found. All systems go.
Off to do more carbo loading.


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