A pathetic stumble uphill...

...is what I was doing as I tried to conquer Sabino Canyon today. I like to think I looked like this:
(what this ole hill, no problem)
 But I fear I may have looked more like this:
(ugh somebody save me from this hill before I give myself a heart attack)

The first few miles were okay but the last .7 uphill was pretty brutal (see time for mile 4, ugh). But I did it with some walk breaks and going down hill after was actually fun (kinda kicked butt on the last mile, now must learn to kick butt the whole way).

Avg Pace

Elevation Gain 981 feet

I saw some crazy guy run this up and down 2 1/2 (can only assume he was going for 3) times in the time it took me to do it once. Now that is fit (and maybe slightly insane). I also saw some ladies rocking really cute running skirts which makes me think I might need one in the near future.
Overall this week I stuck to my workout and did pretty good with eating healthy (with the exception of the fish & chips I ate on date night last night with the hubby). 
Monday 3mile run/ lifted weights: upper body
Tuesday 1 hour swim
Wednesday 4 mile run/ lifted weights: lower body (my butt is still sore- stupid squats)
Thursday 1 hour swim
Friday 1.5 mile run
Saturday 6 mile run
In related news:
I received an email about the Mount Lemmon 1/2  and got excited. Getting closer. I was disappointed to see they are trading out the long sleeve cotton shirts for the tech shirts. I have enough tech race shirts. I want regular shirts I can wear about town and display my awesomeness to the world (wearing the medals around is a little much). Oh well. I think the Lost Dutchman race has regular shirts so I will look forward to obtaining that one.
Whohhooo tomorrow is a rest day! The best day of all!


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