So now what....

Now that I have completed all of my running goals listed out under Bean's Goals for your reading convenience I am in need of a new focus. I have gotten a few suggestions:

  • 40 marathons before 40- this seems like a perfect fit number symmetry and all but that is a lot of freakin marathons. And marathons are hard so I am not ready to commit to that one. I will put it in the back pocket for now with the option to open that can of worms at a later date. 

  • Triathlon- I swam in high school and do enjoy swimming although for some reason rounding up a suit, goggles, cap, towel and locating a swimming pool that is open at a time that is convenient for me to swim at seems to be a bit of a challenge at times. Of course the running part is pretty solid most days. It is just the biking. Currently I don't even own a bike, well I own a spin bike but I don't think that counts as it only has one wheel. I am also the world's worst biker. I fall. I fall hard. Usually on my face (this is why I have a spin bike, unless I pass out I should be good). I am open to this one maybe but I would need a bike and apparently someone to teach me how to not be an idiot on it.

  • World domination- yes I like this one. 

  • Successful completion of the Half Moon Bay and Chicago marathons in the fall. I really want to keep training and would love to break under 4:50 at one of these though with a month of no running not sure how realistic this thinking is. But more than a PR I want to have fun and enjoy the experience. Bucket list races here people-super excited. 
This question of future goals is a bit tricky at the moment. Some life changes are coming my way that make planning a bit tricky. No I am not pregnant. And no, no current plans to invade Canada or something as part of my world domination plan. I mean really they are just too friendly. D's job is now one of officer in the U.S. Army which means (drum roll please).....moving (you may have noticed him missing from the blog/life lately due to him being at training. I mean he normally wants to stay off the blog, not everyone can handle the level of fame I have become accustomed too. Shout out to my 5 readers. Hi Mom!). So that makes having a specific race as a goal tricky. So instead I have a few tentative future races I want to do and some time goals instead.

Tentative Races:
Greenland 50k in May. It is labelled as one of the fastest ultra races in the nation. Not that that tidbit will really apply to me. I have decided I want to do an ultra and this one is ideal. It is near my parent's house so family can come scrape me up off the dirt after I shuffle through the finish. And my sister has promised me a pack animal of some kind to carry supplies. I interpret this as I get a donkey that carries candy. Now there is no need for a donkey and...she was most likely kidding....but there is always a need for candy. This is a loop course with M&M's involved so I am sold. May 3, 2014 is tentative ultra day.

2015 Walt Disney Dopey Challenge. I have some cousins who are also awesome runners who like to do Disney races. The Dopey Challenge is a whole lot of races and a whole lot of bling which sounds like my kind of thing (Bam how about that rhyme). Racing with family would be even more fun. And I really want to go to Harry Potter World. So just to review: multiple medals, fun with family and Harry Potter World, uh dreams do come true. Butterbeer you are mine.

New York & Big Sur Marathons. I want to run these. I have for a long time. Some time in the next ten years I would like to do both. Better start signing up for that New York lottery, this goal could take awhile. 

Time Goals:
So if you look at the title of my blog you would be correct in assuming speed is not really my thing. I have never been a speed demon. For one thing getting through 30 half marathons meant being uninjured which I felt meant not pushing it too much. Speed work is scary. Tempo runs are scary. Pushing yourself can result in injuries so I just have been running up until recent forays into speed. After Half Moon Bay and Chicago getting injured will not mean missing multiple races and possibly not reaching my goal. For the future I would like to have a more restrained approach to racing- one race at a time and a less restrained approach to training. Pick up the pace and push it. I would like to do some shorter races as well.

5k- 25:xx or under
10k- 50:xx or under
1/2- 1:50 or under

Now obviously for me these are pretty dang ambitious. But I have never trained for a 5k- only a 5k with the intent of running fast (fast for me) and that is something I would like to do. I am also wondering if I trained for a half- a singular half- not a half the weekend after this half or the half marathon that is the third one that month- but a single half with a flattish course with the intent to PR what I could do. I may never be this fast, I might not achieve these goals but I would like to try. 

So there you have it folks. New goals: run really far, run expensive races (kidding, I, nope all of those are super expensive except for the ultra) and be fast....well faster.

Any new goals in the works for you? 


  1. Hi! I follow your blog so you can up your readership to 6! ;-) You're a total rockstar for running 30 halfs before 30! Your time goals for the 5K, 10K and the half are the same as mine. Though idk if I will ever see those times since I lost a lot of speed when I trained for my full.

    1. Thank you and thanks for reading my blog!!! Yeah speed at longer distances is tricky.

  2. Ooo, I LOVED doing a 50K last year. And I hope you get to do one! I also hope you don't move too far away! Your goal paces align with mine, so I see some potential training together. Hee hee.

    1. I hope we can get a few runs in before I ride into the sunset but now you will just have a new location to visit and race at;).

  3. So much going on! World domination is the simplest! I'm glad you got them thought out! Thinking ultra's? dang!

    Still working on my marathon goal, no new goals yet! The previous one I did in May.

  4. I definitely see running world domination in your future!

  5. My new goal is to meet you for a race somewhere! I personally am so excited for your new life change!!!

  6. I totally commented on this post and it's totally not here. WTH! I was pouting because my suggestion of a tri was rejected! LOL And I think I said something about not wanting to run Dopey because it's in FL but I'm game for Dumbo - in CA!


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