Boston Billy
Not only do I run and talk about running and sell running things and blog about running....I also read about running. I just finished Marathon Man by Bill Rodgers and love it. I highly recommend checking it out if you love running, are intrigued by marathons or just like a good story in general. Some of my favorite quotes from the book: My earliest ancestors ran in search of food and to escape predators. I no longer run for survival like them, but perhaps the traces from the past lived on in my DNA. I believe this biological need to move is felt more intensely in some than others, but I believe it's within us all (14). We were suddenly reminded how running, perhaps more than any other sport, is a celebration of life. It makes your world a brighter place. It gives you this lift, a confidence to stand tall and feel good. Better than good. Boundless (207). ...running was not an escape from the real world. It was a necessary, life sustaining passion, the way painting was to