Suck it Treadmill
Well once again I think I am totally hot stuff because I completed a treadmill workout. I am fully aware that people run on treadmills all the time at a mileage and a speed I can't comprehend. But just let me ride my pathetic little high for awhile. It is probably easier to broker a peace agreement in the middle east than it is for me to convince myself to get my bodacious bubble butt to the gym and on the treadmill. Excuse # 1: I am tired Response: Um so is the rest of America, no one cares. Excuse #2: My legs are sore Response: They are the you have been working out hard sore, not the you are gonna break yourself sore so doesn't count. Reality check you are on a new training plan and running harder so it is gonna hurt, get over it. And stretch. Excuse #3: I don't need speedwork I am already fast. Response: That statement is so false it is funny. Excuse #4: The treadmill makes me sweaty Response: Everything makes you sweaty. Argh. So after reviewing every possib