Cross training and Weight Loss

Lately I have been doing about zero running and a lot of other stuff. Walking, biking and lifting weights have been my exercises of choice while my hip gets better. Yesterday I went for a 3.5 mile run and my hip started hurting again after 9 days off. And I got mad. What the heck hip. I gave you time off. I have stretched and rolled and sticked and laid off pounding into the ground with high mileage. What is your problem? And then I decided to shift focus. I have been focused solely on running for so long that I have taken on a T-Rex body type. My legs are fairly strong but the rest of just kind of there. So maybe some cross training is what I need and instead of running 6 days a week I should cut down to 3 or 4 and focus on lifting weights, body weight training, yoga, and other exercises to be more well rounded and stronger overall and perhaps that will help me be less injury prone. Makes sense in my mind anyway. The other focus should be on continued weight loss to ...