
Showing posts from October, 2014


Look what finally came in the mail The fancy version. oooooooooo ahhhhhhhh I have been a totally horrible blogger lately and I am sorry. I will try and get it together. I promise. Hope everyone has a fantastic weekend!!!!

Training Week Oct 20 - 26th

The great thing about having training partners is that they make you run harder and hold you accountable to actually showing up. The downside is when they are ill it makes it harder to be motivated because I instantly become co-dependent cause running with my training partner is way more fun than by myself....and that is my excuse for a pretty low mileage/ low running days week for me. The upside to this week was I got to run in some pretty cool places. Monday: Nada, nothing, zero. Tuesday: Some 200 repeats with my training client and a group run from the running store for 3 miles. Fun jaunt with some fun ladies. Wednesday: Morning: 7 mile long run with some fast miles in the beginning and some slow in the end. Evening: Couch to 5K started. Great group of people. Gonna be a lot of fun. Thursday: Some miles with my client. And then nothing.... Friday: More to Baltimore Saturday: 5.56 Miles around Annapolis with the husband. It was a beautiful morni

We have a winner!

11 comments, one free random number generator and we have a winner. Number six. Count six down and........(drum roll please)........ Greg Pochron  you are the winner of the Spartan entry!!!! "Running these races is amazing. There's nothing better then being outside running with thousands of crazy people who enjoy this kind of thing. It's like one big family and its so amazing to be apart of it all." Congrats! May your battle through mud and obstacles be a fun one. Send me an email at and I will get you your code for free entry.  Everyone else enjoy 10% off with the code SPARTANBLOGGER *If Greg does not respond by Monday I will pick again. So don't delay Greg lets get you registered for a race! I am off to the great state of Delaware this weekend for wedding fun. And while I will pack some running gear, the main focus is on family and fun so we will see how much I fit in. I do know I can at least get some walking

Training Week Oct 13th - 19th

This week the intensity continued with some tough and faster workouts. Though they are kicking my butt I am really enjoying them. It is nice to be pushed and meet some faster times. It is not so nice to be dropped cause you can't hang which is what happened Friday. But all you can do is give your best and try to keep them in eyesight so you know how to get back to your car. Monday: 5 miles- 1 mile warm-up around 11 minutes and then 16 X 400 under 2 minutes each. Average was around 1:57. There might have been a point about half way where puking was a real possibility but kept it together. Tuesday: Easy 3 mile recovery run around the 'hood with some lifting. Wednesday: Early morning long run with 10 miles. Funny how when you run in the dark the miles and time just kinda fly by. Thursday: Recovery day. Friday: Tempo run of 6 miles. Supposed to be four ten minute segments at an 8 minute pace but I just could not get there. Mine were more around 8:40 pace. Saturday: 8 mi

Are you a SPARTAN?

The nice people at Spartan Race have given me a race code to giveaway! Yayyy free race!!! Are you looking for a new challenge. Running just not enough well then a Spartan race might just be for you! What is the Spartan Race you ask? From all the images I gather it is a general state of badassery that involves mud, tires and a certain level of toughness. I have had some friends do one of these (looking at you Stacey and Leslie) and they have said they are tough but a ton of fun! Info from the website: Spartan Race  is on a mission to get you active, healthy, excited about change, and return to our ancient roots where running through woods, getting dirty, and facing adversity was part of everyday life. Our events are all about challenging today’s perception of normal. Our events challenge the familiar, today’s perception of normal living and getting you out of your comfort zone! At  Spartan Race , we do this everyday and it shapes everything we do. Having exper

Thursday Funnies

Random fun stuff for this Thursday! Hope you have a great day!

Weekly Training Recap Oct 6th -12th

This week I found and ran with a new running friend. And it was awesome. Running with someone is so much more fun and a bit easier than tackling tough workouts by yourself. If you have not run with other people before I would recommend it. Join a training group, go to your local running store to run with other runners in the area, talk to that runner you see run by everyday. You will be glad you did if you can find someone you can train with. Monday: Nada.  Tuesday:  Track workout total of 8.3 miles. 5 X 2000 mile 1- 8:18 mile 2- 8:19 mile 3- 8:25 mile 4- 8:16 mile 5- 8:41 with hamstring cramp up. Lifted -evening run- 3 miles with running store Wednesday:  Pilates Thursday:  11 easy miles in 2:02. Wandered through a new area. Couple walk breaks. Fun conversation. Friday:  6 miles. Had wanted to do more with a friend but was feeling it and decided that six was enough.  Saturday and Sunday: Fun in Albuquerque at the Balloon Fiesta. The Balloon Fiest

Fun Stuff

I am now working at the running store Up and Running  and part of my job is running a new Couch to 5k program and heading up the training program for the El Paso Half Marathon in February. So what I am saying is I am getting paid to run......DREAMS COME TRUE!  I am super excited to get new or returning runners excited about running and to train with some awesome people for the half. I am also excited that Up and Running does stuff like this There is an Up and Running team doing the Walk a Mile in Her Shoes  to end rape, sexual assault and gender violence. Please visit here  if you are interested in donating toward this great cause. 

Training Week: Sept 29- Oct 5

Last week's training turned up the intensity a bit. With two sessions focused on speed and the fact that I started working at the local running store, meaning hours on my feet, I was feeling a bit more tired and sore than usual. Monday:  Evening run with my neighbor. Hot and uphill for the first mile and a half. 4 miles in 40 minutes. Tuesday: Track workout. 400 X 8 with 400 rest. This workout seemed more difficult than it was. A bit warm and a bit solo. I for sure missed my track buddies in Georgia. A total of 4.2 miles. My goal is to keep at the track workouts to hopefully help me get some speed. Lifted. Wednesday: Rest day. Half hour walk and Pilates. Thursday: Tempo run on the treadmill. Warm-up and then 3 x 9:20 min. miles. Lifted. Friday: 6 miles hills and trails. Pilates. Saturday: 8 miles easy. Felt good. Sunday: 3 easy miles. Sore and tired. Didn't really want to run but had running clothes on so went. Total mileage: 29 miles


On Saturday I passed the exam to become a NASM Certified Personal Trainer! After almost 180 days of studying (okay there was a move to Texas in there and a significant number of non studying days) I am done. And it feels good! Now I just have to figure out how exactly I am going to use it. Meanwhile if you are in need of a personal trainer let me know!