Bean who?

Hi I am Bean

 If it isn't obvious I like running.
Fort Collins, CO

Phoenix, AZ

Kenosha, WI

 And I really like eating

so I kind of do one to counteract the other so I don't resemble my spirit animal.
Kidding, kidding
 I started running in high school on the cross country team and held the elite position of slowest one. I came back strong the next year a little bit faster but I never really was blazin it up near the front. After those glory days I ran off and on. Mostly on while in the military and then mostly off when out of the military. I have run one marathon, the Colorado marathon in 2006, and am pretty sure I cried silent tears of horror somewhere around mile 18 when I realized how much farther I had to go. I eventually finished (and only dry heaved a little) and have not run one since. I tried to train two years back for the Tucson marathon but ended up with a stress fracture and torn ligaments in my knee.

After lots of rest and a permanent dent in my butt from biking I was back baby. My new favorite distance was the half marathon and I had the goal to run 30 half marathons before turning 30 in about a year and a half.

UPDATE!!! I completed my 30 before 30 goal as of July 4, 2013! Along the way I collected a million medals, a couple of age group wins and more race shirts than I know what to do with. I also dropped some pounds and fell in love with the fun to be had at races and hanging with other runners. I also have completed two other marathons and have three more on the schedule. Trying to figure out this whole 26.2 distance out. Beyond the marathons what now? Maybe some more marathons, maybe some ultras, maybe try to get faster, maybe I will attempt to cross-train and do yoga consistently....I make no promises.

The cast of characters:

I am married to D. He drives me around to races and puts up with the running addiction.

D is also an officer in the Army so that makes life pretty exciting. Now he is medically retired so we are adjusting to our life changing a bit.

I spend my life picking up after and walking this guy: Max 

and recently added this guy.

We all live in Tucson Arizona where I spend half the year running in perfect weather and the other half trying not to die of dehydration. Now we all live in Illinois where they have this little thing called humidity, oh and snow apparently. And now we all live in Georgia where humidity will try to kill you. So new exciting running adventures to come. Now we reside in El Paso. Don't mess with Texas....or me if I haven't gotten a run in. Now we reside in Colorado Springs, Colorado!


  1. Hey girl you are awesome. I live in phoenix and cant believe I have not yet found your blog. I love all the races you have done. I was totally wondering about a few of them! Specifically the Mt Lemon and Shun the Sun..and yup it was a dog tag last year.
    Can't wait to follow your blog!


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  2. I was the sloweset on my HS cross country team too! I put in a vote for Chicago! It is the BEST crowd and really flat!

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