Chicago Half Marathon Race Entry Giveaway

Looking for a reason to come to the Windy City? Looking to fill that race schedule void that just happens to fall on September 8th? Wishing you could see me plod by in person? Well here is your chance. The lovely people at the Chicago Half Marathon have offered me and YOU, dear reader, a free entry to this year's Chicago Half Marathon.
I KNOW! I am pretty excited about it too!

Super important details of the race.
  • It is September 8th
  • It starts at Jackson Park
  • You get to run on Lake Shore Drive (instead of sit in traffic on it)
  • There will be bands, there will be aid stations, there will be portaaaaa pottieeeeesssssss
  • Tech shirt and a medal (do you really need to know anything else people- there is a medal)
  • Well if you do need to know more visit
So come join me and other fun runners in our quest to obtain these:
This image stolen from the Chicago Half Marathon facebook page
Okay so how do you get the entry, well there are a few ways:
1) Leave a comment below telling me what your favorite flavor of ice cream is. No this has nothing to do with half marathons or running I have just been craving ice cream all day and this is my blog so I do what I want.
2) For an additional entry tweet it out- something like @just_plodding and the @ChicagoHalf want you to come run Chicago and leave me a comment telling me you did
3) Like the Chicago Half Marathon on Facebook and leave a comment telling me you did.

Giveaway will be open until midnight on Saturday July 20th. I will pick a random winner on Sunday July 21st and announce the winner on Monday July 22nd!

1) I am totally being compensated for this blog post with a free race entry which in my world is like someone handing me a bar of pure gold so I am okay with this because one of my fantastic readers also gets to run. 
2) I fully support the fun that can be had at half marathons but I can not be held responsible for any sort of half marathon addiction or affliction that may come about from the training and participation in this event. 
3) Giveaways are fun, let's keep them that way!

Hope to see you September 8th!

Random thought for today: How many mosquito bites do you think I will have to get before I remember bug spray for my runs/ night walks with Max the wonder dog? 50....100. Seriously I have no blood left. SO ITCHY.


  1. This is NOT an entry because I can't get to Chicago that weekend. Please do this again next year - I'll put it in my diary already. However my favourite ice-cream flavour is always a variant of chocolate.

  2. I can't go, but I'm sharing. You rock!

  3. I can go! My favorite flavor of ice cream is mint chocolate chip!

  4. I'm a vanilla ice cream kind of girl. Oh and I 'like' the Chicago Half Marathon and tweeted about it, too :) That should be good for about a gazillion entries, right?

  5. My favorite ice cream flavor is chocolate chip...a mix of vanilla and chocolate! I ran the Chicago Marathon last year and would love to do it again this year :)

  6. I also tweeted! @lenkakollar

  7. and I liked the Chicago Half on facebook!

  8. I just tweeted and Facebook posted! I can't wait for this half and I would love to win this free entry! This is going to be my first half marathon :) Also, my favorite ice cream changes often, but lately it has been Starbucks Java Chip!

  9. I hope your random number generator picks meeee! Because I love the Chicago Half and promise to have lots of fun if I win. Also, I will celebrate with just about any flavor of gelato (except chocolate) from Mariano's. I'm not picky :-)

    Oh, I also Tweeted and I already liked the Chicago Half Marathon on Facebook!

  10. My favorite flavor is buttered pecan! YUMMMY
    Oh I also liked the Chicago Half Facebook page.
    Sorry no Twitter account.....I will go sit in the corner now and sulk that I can't get three entries into this contest!

  11. Favorite Ice cream is anything from Moomers. If you haven't checked it out - you should. it's made on a dairyfarm in traverse City and is AMAZING!

    I retweeeted the post - @jmonst and also liked the chicago half page!

  12. My favorite ice cream flavor is anything than includes cookie dough. Thanks for hosting the giveaway!

  13. Dulce de leche (....but in the summer more inclined toward fruity flavors...)! I would absolutely love to win the free entry: I'm still new to running and would love to make this my first half-marathon....I'm also moving to Chicago at the beginning of September and would love to have this be the way I celebrate moving to Chicago! Thanks for hosting the giveaway!

  14. I just tweeted too!

  15. ...and I like the Chicago Half on facebook too!

  16. My favorite flavor of ice cream is coconut!

    I just tweeted.

    I like the Chicago Half on Facebook.

    Have a great day!!! Thanks again!

  17. My favorite flavor of Ice-cream is Black-Raspberrt, but it MUST come from Smiley's Ice-cream shop in Winslow, Maine...I've never had anything that comes close in comparison, and not for a lack of trying.

  18. Oh,I also liked the FB page and tweeting currently! Thanks!

  19. Liked on FB. And mint chocolate chip is my all time fav, although most days, any ice cream will do!

  20. I also liked the Chicago Half Marathon on Facebook.

  21. I like French vanilla ice cream.

  22. I like the Chicago Half Marathon on Facebook.

  23. My favorite flavor is Snicker-doodle ice cream... you can find it from Dominick's. You must try it!

  24. My favorite ice cream flavor is COFFEE..... I adore it. Seriously. . . and if you can finagle white chocolate chips and nuts in there, we are really in business.

  25. I can't do this race but I'm definitely gonna tweet about your giveaway! I also loved this post, it was funny!


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