Vlogs: Just Stop

So there is this phenomenon happening. I am not sure when it started. Maybe it has been happening for awhile and like all things social media it has taken me twenty years to catch up. Everyone and their mom seems to be vlogging. You know vlogging, when a blog which used to be made up of the written word turns into a YouTube filled mess. You may be picking up on my complete and total disdain for this trend. I am sure I will get some hate mail for this or at least a few hateful thoughts thrown my way but I must vent. I give you the reasons vlogging makes me completely and irrationally annoyed.

1) By vlogging you completely remove most situations in which I could pay attention to your blog. Train rides, lunch breaks, waiting in line, etc. Instead I have to be in a place where I can watch a video. So instead of watching I just ignore and hope that you go back to typing soon.

2) With vlogging there seems to be the assumption that I have 17 minutes of my time to spare to listen to you ramble on about whatever topic of the day you have stumbled upon. Well I do not. A blog I could read rapid fire and enjoy now becomes a blog I must listen to in some weird time-suck dimension.

3) I have yet to find a vlog where the person doing it is actually good at it. No offense but most of us are not trained TV personalities. We say um, and like and get distracted by what the dog is doing in the next room and forget what we are talking about. Just no.

Okay so I realize that this has been a huge hateful written blog about my inability to find the love for video blogs and all of the above mentioned issues could perhaps be applied to my own blog or my over use of gifs. But whatever, my blog, my attitude. Just be thankful that you didn't have to watch and listen to a 15 minute vlog about how much I hate vlogs. Cheers.

Am I being ridiculous? Are vlogs really awesome and I just don't get it? 


  1. Ha ha ha, "So instead of watching I just ignore and hope that you go back to typing soon." I have seen one blogger do a vlog segment pretty well. I don't really want to "vlog" so don't plan on doing it so I guess we can stay blogger friends!

  2. I tried vlogging and what happened was a hot mess! What I could usually draft and redo became something I needed to get right the first time so I gave up. I still use my YouTube vlog account if I have a video I want to upload & add to a blog but nothing else. I agree, though; I'd rather read.

    1. Maybe that is my issue. I know it would take 40 tries for me to get anything decent to I just choose to ignore the whole thing. Typing just seems easier.

  3. I was going to do a vlog and actually recorded it, but it was so terrible that I didn't publish it and will never try again! I don't think you're missing anything...

  4. To be good at vlogging...one has to practice and have the time to start over and over before getting a good vlog. Most people do not take the time to do that. One also has to write what they want to say...and stick to the topic. Some people are really good vloggers, some are not. The best vlogs are not 17 minutes long, because when you're good you get to the point and don't have a dog in the backroom distracting you. A lot of people do it with their computer camera, not sure how I feel about that. The best vloggers also edit their videos, and I used to do that but since my video app crashed, I've laid off vlogging. I only vlogged news stories - not personal stories. I know someone that was hired for a TV job because of her vlogs...then again, she went to college for that job- and her vlogs were awesome with graphics and cool editing. I like watching a few, because I can take my glasses off as well as sit and eat breakfast or dinner while viewing. Another bonus to vlogs is you can understand someone's point of view better. Some people don't translate well in written word, (and a lot can't spell and have bad grammar)! It's easy to misunderstand(someones writing) but when you see them speak you can relate a little better.
    Your opinion is legit and I respect it, you're not ridiculous. I agree with you for the most part. But I hope you find vlogs you like one day...and when I'm back at it, I hope you give me a chance!
    With SPA love ...Gen

    1. I hear you about the bad grammar and spelling since that kind of sums up my own blog.I will have to take a look at yours, thanks for sharing. I am probably being unfair, saw a few bad ones and was like, oh heck no. I should give new ones a try.

  5. I completely agree. I've tried watching vlogs, and I always stop watching. They're not good. Why watch terrible videos? I keep reading that vlogging is the "new thing" in blogging, and it frightens me. No, no, no. Please write. That's what blogging is, right?

    1. Maybe blogging has just split into two types, written and video and you have to pick your poison? I personally hope the video trend goes away.

  6. I tried it once, and it took foreeeeeever. With the restarts and such, it would have been much simpler to write it. But I also thought it was a topic that would be easier to understand visually -- it was that whole double bun hair tutorial junkiness. I think some people do it a lot because fitfluential says you should -- like it's on their application that you should regularly vlog to be accepted. You should send a link for this post to fitfluential!:)

    1. I am afraid of fitfluential, they seem all powerful. I do not want to anger them with my rant;). Instructional videos are different. If I am learning something I am fine, as long as it can be learned in 5 minutes or less. See the issue is me, I just have no patience.

  7. I totally agree! I do most of my blog reading at work and I can't watch videos anyway so I just skip over those posts. There is only one blogger's vlogs that I will actually watch at home.


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