Medals and Stuff

Workout today: 10 miles of cold, windy, rainy stupid running. Visor kept flying off due to wind. Headphones getting whipped out of ears due to wind. Snot freely flowing due to wind (I haven't over shared in awhile so you're welcome for that image). Pebbles somehow frequently getting kicked up and flying into the back of shoes. Rain off and on (but whatever wore my hot pink running rain jacket so I beat that element, score one for me). Temp. drop of 10 degrees while running. What the heck. Worst run in a long time. But whatever still did it so I win. But I better buck up because Illinois does not play around with winter. Or I could just shell out and get a treadmill....there is research to be done today.

Since I will not be collecting my Denver RnR medal today due to the fact that I am sitting at home in Illinois as I type, let's discuss medals instead. It has come to my attention that I have collected a lot of medals in the past year. So many I am in need of another medal hanger. I love medals. Or I guess I love races that result in medals. Bling. Bling. Some medals are more special than others and some I just like because they sparkle.

 The Lost Dutchman medal is one of my favs because it is so sparkly. This race was also the first half I ran hard the whole way and was my hilly route PR for awhile (that is right, PRs for ever type of course are necessary). It was hard fought medal obtainment full of burning lungs and legs.

 The Sedona medal is another favorite. Unique and part of a four part series for the next few years. This was the first race where the scenery took precedence to racing. This race has been the most beautiful race I have ever run. Plus I got a weekend in Sedona so that was sweet.

 Horsetooth. Oh man that course was such a my..., well you get the idea. Hilly and tough and hot and full of concrete and totally awesome because my family was at the end. It is always awesome to have a fan club at the finish line. I don't think I have ever been so excited to run towards a finish line than when I saw the family waving and cheering.

I have also collected some fun stuff besides medals on my little 13.1 jaunts. The Tucson half was the first time I actually placed. Weird but awesome. I got this beautiful art. I am not quite sure what to do with it so it resides on various flat surfaces until I figure it out.

 Mount Lemmon, the second time (yep went back for a second round of uphill torture) I placed in my age group and got this awesome plate. It currently is the keeper of various items on my dresser and is a fun reminder of one of my favorite races.

I have noticed an interesting phenomenon occurring as I have gotten faster. While I still love the bling, what I am liking more and more is the pursuit of the PR/ age group place/ overall place etc. That more than the medals is what gets me up and out the door for the tough runs like today.

What keeps you all motivated?


  1. At races I think finishing comes first and foremost in my mind. Then secondly comes beating my own PRs. Yesterday I proudly beat a PR that I had since my senior year of high school but I also placed 2nd overall of the women. I have never done that. So it was a pretty proud day.

    I love your bling collection. My is small but I haven't raced many races that you get finishers medals.

    1. Wow 2nd overall is amazing!!! I agree finishing always is number one especially when the race ends up being tougher than expected:).

  2. I love that Lost Dutchman medal!! I've only done their 10k's. I was thinking of doing the half in 2013 but I think it's the weekend before the Princess so I may have to just do the 10k. I am curious about the Sedona half, now!

    1. Sedona is amazing. You all should go for the weekend and explore the area too. I got a cheap hotel of and that kept it pretty reasonable. It is one of the prettiest places I have ever been.

  3. Wow! I love the medals! You have some super awesome ones! Happy Sunday! Spa love!

  4. I don't have any medals.. just race bibs! but one day I hope to have one !(:


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