Crystal Lake 1/2 Marathon Race Review

Things got off to a rocky start for this half when we piled in the car at 5:30 a.m. on Sunday to head towards Crystal lake (an hour and 15 minute drive) and it wouldn't start. And the panic sets in. But D saved the day, poppin the hood, looking at things (with a flash light since it was still dark out). I just stood there in my running skirt looking lost, totally pissed but also ready to give up and head back to bed.

Eventually we noticed our neighbors light on and I went and knocked on the door to ask for a jump. And since they are the nicest neighbors in the world they agreed and D jumped our car. I gotta say if someone dressed in compression socks and a crazy elephant head band showed up at my door at 5:30a.m. I am not sure I would answer. I owe those people cookies for sure. After our dramatic start to the day it was smooth sailing the rest of the time.

We got there around 7a.m. where I grabbed my race number and long sleeve shirt and headed back to the car to sit in the heat until the 8a.m. start. The weather was quite a bit cooler and less humid at this race. Thank the weather gods. The race had two waves, elites and two minutes later everyone else. The course was a largely out and back on roads. It was a pretty and well-maned course. Water and gatorade about every miles and a half. No gels though.

Start line

Never ending last mile to finish

This guy ran/walked the whole course in 50 lbs of gear. Amazing

I felt pretty good during the first mile and decided that I was going to try and push the pace and keep all miles in the nines. It was close so very close to happening.

1 9:37
2 9:17
3 9:12
4 8:58
5 9:20
6 9:23
7 9:46
8 9:53
9 9:45
10 9:45
11 9:46
12 10:25 damn you mile 12
13 9:21
I was pleased I held it together for mile 10 which for some reason is usually where I have a major slow down but that seemed to just prolong the slow down to mile 12 where I walked through the last aid station longer than I should have. This race is not chipped time so if you dilly dally over the start line like I do you might want to wear a watch. I finished second in the Athena division with my NEW PR of 2:04:21. Whoop. PR by a minute I will take it and inching ever so slowly towards two hours which for some reason has become my sole focus.

Overall this race was a good size, nicely put on and had excellent weather.

Long sleeve t and medal
Our car started after the race and we were able to get to the auto parts store and put in a new battery. Problem solved and all is right in the world again.


  1. Congrats on your new PR!!!!!!!!!!

  2. Way to go lady! You have gotten so much faster in the months since I started reading your blog!!!!

  3. You rock! You just keep getting faster!

    Love your race outfit (especially the shoes). Are you wearing a jacket?!? Man, I'm jealous. It still feels like summer here.

  4. Wow, you did awesome! So close to all 9s! You will be there soon! A minute at a time is all it takes. That means only a few more races until you are sub-2!

    And I would be completely freaking out with the dead battery. Way to keep it together, and that's really cool that your neighbors are so nice.

  5. Great job on the race and congrats on your pr :)


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