Fall Fun

Things are getting settled here in Colorado Springs. We have been exploring the area and are really enjoying living here. We found Milt's Coffee Shop which offers unlimited pancakes and biscuits and gravy, this may have something to do with our love for the area. I have started working at The Colorado Running Company and am super excited about that. The other peeps that work there are fun to work with and it is nice being involved in the running community. We are working on getting some fun runs and training groups started so I am particularly excited about that! Fall is beautiful here with the changing leaves and cooler temps. We are a bit nervous about winter because we have not dealt with a real winter since we lived in Illinois. I am hoping that living in a place with snow means we can break out the snowshoes again! I hit up the Barr Trail, which is the trail that goes up Pike's Peak and the site of a race I want to do next year. It is beautiful. And a real quad ki...